Join the McKellar Park Butterflyway

13 05 2024

from Berit Erickson, building on last spring’s initiative:

In 2023, the McKellar Park Butterflyway formed when 20 residents planted pollinator gardens or added native plants to existing gardens. Our community Butterflyway is expanding this year with 10 more residents preparing to plant gardens. Would you like to join too?

I am growing native plant seedlings to give to participating neighbours. Each receives 27 free seedlings for plants that will bloom from spring to fall, filling a garden measuring roughly 8 x 4 feet. I still have lots of plants left for sunny gardens, and some left for shady gardens. 

One of the sunny pollinator garden kits I gave to a 2023 Butterflyway participant.
The native plant species included in my sunny pollinator garden kits.

The Butterflyway Project is an initiative of the David Suzuki Foundation. Communities across Canada are encouraged to plant pollinator gardens creating habitat corridors for bees, butterflies and birds, as well as supporting wildlife biodiversity.

While I’ve only been involved in the Butterflyway Project for the past year, I have been gardening for pollinators and other wildlife for the past 8 years. To learn more about my gardening efforts, and to see photos of the plants, insects and birds in my yard, visit:

Written by Berit Erickson

